
Showing posts with the label Fear

Why we feel fear and how to overcome the fear.

Fear..............!!! I have found in recent years that pushing the fear away can certainly work and help you to not be paralyzed from taking action. But I have also discovered that it can sometimes be more helpful to accept the fear. To accept that it is there instead of for example trying to tell yourself to focus on the positive life That may sound a bit value so here's how I do it. Breathe.  Take a few breaths and focus only on the air going in and out to calm and center yourself a bit. Tell yourself something like:  “Yes, the fear is here. It simply is at this point in time.” Take that feeling of fear in  and just let it be there in your body and mind. It will be uncomfortable. But just for short while. Because if you do let it in then after a while – often just after a few minutes of discomfort in my experience – the fear starts to lose steam. It becomes a lot smaller or just seems to float away. And it becomes a lot easier to think clear and constructiv...