Find Others Mind Set
Hi to everyone one. We already to know everyone in this world are dynamic people. So You and me are different perspective thinking and doing whatever it may be.. I hope to express through my article how to find others mindset. We already know Identify our opposite one mind set is very toughest part because they don't try to expose real version of their mind trough interaction. For example Take a ice cube and put into the bucket of water. When we can see most of the portion of icecubes is inside the water and also balance little portions 20% of icecube is expose in outside. What you gather from this example? Simple... Every one are hiding their original version inside and exposed only their faked one.. Humans are very dangerous in this world because we couldn't predict what they think and doing. When we trust blindly them it will be reflected through their actions. So believe your self don't try to expose your feeling to toxic people....