How to keep relationship and move on
We know relationship is the important one in our life. But just make relationship is not a matter. Because we will be keeping and maintaing harmonysly in to life long. We like to believe we are completely independent from our environment, but the simple truth is that our environment always influences us in one way or another. This is just as true for our physical environment our home, workplace, neighborhood, where we spend our time, and the people we surround ourselves with on a daily basis as it is true for our digital environment which means the websites we go to, the information we consume, and the people we interact with online. Today we are spending more and more time in our “digital environment.” And in many ways, our “digital environment” can be even more consuming and engaging than the “real world,” because it’s filled with over-stimulation that keeps our interest and attention. Social media accounts, sensationalist news, celebrity gossip, politicals, ch...