Suspicious things in the world.
Hidden story is kept by people may there is never reveal it in to the world. Do you know why they never exposure.... Because it's behind hidden history. 1. ORIGIN OF HIV /AIDS We have been a part of discussions about the origin of HIV and there are so many theories formulated with an attempt to cognize the horse’s mouth. Sources believe that HIV originated from Africa, but what about those whispers saying HIV being manufactured in the laboratory by scientists. Is HIV Man-made? Conspiracy theorists believe that the cure for HIV has been found. In that case, why it has not been shared? What’s the intention behind? Well, the science has no answer to it and so it is considered as a mystery yet to be resolved. 2. CLOUDED STORY OF TAJ MAHAL Taj Mahal, one of the seven wonders of the world has few secrets camouflaged in the back door of history. According to the book, ‘The true story of Taj Mahal’, the fort was originally a Shiva temple bui...