Find Others Mind Set

Hi to everyone one. 
We already to know everyone in this world are dynamic people. So You and me are different perspective thinking and doing whatever it may be.. 
I hope to express through my article how to find others mindset. 
We already know Identify our opposite one mind set is  very toughest part because they don't try to expose real version of their mind trough interaction. 
For example

Take a ice cube and put into the bucket of water. When we can see most of the portion of icecubes is inside the water and also balance little portions 20% of icecube is expose in outside. 

What you gather from this example? 

Simple... Every one are hiding their original version inside and exposed only their faked one.. Humans are very dangerous in this world because we couldn't predict what they think and doing. When we trust blindly them it will be reflected through their actions. So believe your self don't try to expose your feeling to toxic people. 

Now you got a doubt. Is it correct?
How to find good and bad relationship 
Simple.. I wish to express through some important points. You should be go through it and come to my point. 


  Non verbal behavior is important one to identify others mind set. We can easily know through their body languages to engaged with our ideas like back up, look down, turn away this are the symptoms of  they are not  relating  to what you are saying.  We can feel they are interested or not to communicate with closer. 

If they are patiently looking your eyes are hearing heartfully when you speak and more closer they are finding value in what you are saying. 


Tones of voice can also provide clues they are interested or not.

If you are interacting with beloved ones or anybody when you can carefully watching through their body language. Body language is very helpful tool to identify their mind. It's a strategy simply knowing other person. If they are good listener or loving your ideas they try to attendly and giving supporting to do that ideas and caring you heartfully.. we can be easily recognize they are hide or not anything. 

.... Positive response

.... Firmly talking

.... Eye contact

.... Supportive

.... Attendly patiently

.... To be a closer


Listening skil is important one in every one life. If you are a good listener it will be lead to a good person.
A person try to express their feelings or problems to you when you should be paying attention and caring them. Its value is very higher we cannot comparing with other terms. So pleasantly, Hearing and supporting them and try to solve their problem and giving more ideas. 
I had a experience in my life. I have a idea to running a business when I try to convey and discuss to my nearest one. When they are trying to kidding me and they told to me you can't  and we do later there are many competitions are now so it's not good idea. When I felt upset then I discussed about that topic to my brother. When he gave me full support and encouraging to me. Then I got more energy to do.. 
Now you got what the difference of toxic people and beloved ones. We can easily know through their interactions. Who try to you move back from your ideas when you  completely recognize they try to you push back  and don't like you to move forward. 


First you understand someone's personality through their body attention to hear the conversation and also know characteristics so it will helps to partially their mindset. Paying attention is important one to know others mindset.

The humourism is we already to know what it is. When we interacting a serious matter to another person when they kidding or joking about that matter. Because they don't care about it. There is a big wall infront of your relationship. People who welcome humour will often insert sarcasm into a conversation. Use this clues to determine their values and their approach. 


The word negativity is a bad one producing the toxic people. They always creating problems, tensions, upsets, moody Viber. So when we talking to them they will be criticize your idea. When you feel it's not good idea that's why they try to convince me. But reality is, they are not ready to accept anything what we do. They always trying negative vibery to inject our life. When it will bad  affect our life. 

Unity is strength.  We are always follow our own style , dreams, behave etc. So what you do when firstly understand it thoroughly good or bad in future and how to gain acheivement.
When you feel to try sharing beloveds then they give different ideas. when you confused it will happens go back and reduce confident. So if you have a dream then you don't to try expose externally. Do what you think. You don't comparing your ideas with others because it will leads to confusion and not get confident or satisfaction. Always trying to uniqueness in your life. 

     Thank you...


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