The Ways How To Control Our Angree

Angree it is worst feelings in our life. We know it's a part of our sense but unfortunately it's came suddenly out and break the relationship.

Being angry is seen as a negative thing. That’s because it is. It’s a horrible emotion and that can ruin things not just for yourself but for others. 

I’ve always been told to look on the bright side. To be positive and optimistic – which is easier said than done.

But sometimes we all just need to have our moment and be angry.

Heck anger is probably one of the best emotions as it can help you see things clearer.

Over the past few months I’ve felt guilty about being angry.

I’ve felt guilty about feeling upset and showing it rather than bottling it up inside.

We’re taught to forgive and forget and that ‘life’s too short’. 
I even felt a bit guilty at the thought of writing this blog post. Then I asked myself why?

Anger isn’t a pleasant emotion but if we’re upset then surely there has to be a good reason.

Sometimes it’s because of our own personal issues.

I’ve spoken about my issues with jealousy in the past and it’s my own personal issues that make me angry at other people from time to time. When that person actually hasn’t done anything wrong.

Personally I felt many times angry with my soul mates. Because I love them but they don't hear my words. So I shouting them and break the healthy relationship. So they feel bad impression with me. But in my side I think I done right things 
oops! ..... 

I know  angry is worst thing to cut our relationship but sometimes we couldn't control them. But we can control little little ways..

  Small tips to memorize when we felt angry

     1. Stop conversation and turn back
     2. Keep silence and listening completely

    3. Take a deep breath and stay calm

    4. Close eyes and thinking positivity

    5. Think our favorite moment in out life

    6. Make sure silence is better than violence.

Despite people at work all my friends are elsewhere. But that’s what I gave up when I moved to Manchester.

But sometimes I’m angry because someone has actually hurt me.

It’s very rare for someone to get that upset without something or someone setting them off.

So why do we make people feel bad about being angry and upset?

Why do we tell them to just get over it and move on?

If someone has upset or hurt you then you have every right to show those emotions.

Everyone should be allowed a moment to be annoyed. The same way we are all allowed moments to be happy.

And if you want to be angry for a month. Then be angry for a month.

Some people might tell you that it’s not healthy to be negative all the time. But it’s all not healthy to pretend that you’re ok.

If you need to take up boxercise to get the anger out of your system then do it.

If you need to not answer the phone every time someone rings then don’t.

We’re taught not to hold grudges, but sometimes it’s for the best. 

We’re taught to forgive and forget, but sometimes we need to let go and move on.

I find that I can’t get stuck into something unless I’m alone. Which is why I’m finding it hard to write blog posts and get stuck into my creative projects whilst everyone is stuck inside. But if you do have some alone time try and start something new.

Try painting, writing a book, up-cycling a piece of furniture or baking some bread. Projects that have a reward at the end like a finished masterpiece or cake you can eat later on can give you a sense of achievement and actually make you feel like you haven’t wasted the day.

Whether you’re trying something new, doing exercise, getting creative or just sat in your pyjamas watching a movie; now is a great time to focus on yourself and what you want do to. Take this time to experiment with new actives and hobbies. To try new boxsets and recipes. Or simply just to sleep in longer than usual.

Sometimes it’s being angry at someone who makes you realise that you’re better off without them. 

Don’t let anyone tell you that you need to ‘get over it’, or stop being angry or holding a grudge. Because sometimes it’s the anger that can stop you from making a bad decision.


When we feel angry go your room and engaged with any activities. 
There are so many things out there that you can enjoy all by yourself. I would get through a book a day when I lived at home. I could play Sims for hours on end – or until my laptop overheated. Puzzles, podcasts, playing an instrument. The choices go on and on.

Indulge in an activity that was made for these alone moments. Have a soak in the bath and do a face mask. Practice yoga at midnight if you can’t sleep. Learn TikTok dances in your kitchen without anyone judging you.

When you’re own your own the room can become so quiet you can hear yourself think. In my case it was a bit too quiet so I would usually play music in the background to have the TV on when I was doing things to break that silence up.

We can all stumble through life with our rose-tinted glasses on. But it’s the emotions and moments that make you see things clearer that are the most important.

Don’t be scared to be angry. Don’t feel guilty about being upset. You’re human. You have emotions and every one of them is important.

 Thank you.........


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