
How to come back from the Overthinking

I hope this article is very interesting to you. Why I said it's much influence to me in my life. Sometimes when I'm lying in bed and  about to go to sleep negative thoughts start buzzing around in my mind. In the past they could do quite a bit of damage. Nowadays I've become good at catching them quickly and to say to myself: No, no, we are not going to think about this now. This is not a good time to thinking this vulnerable matter. I know that when I'm hungry or sleepy then my mind sometimes come to be vulnerable to not thinking clearly and to negativity. So I follow up my “no, no…” phrase and I say to myself that I will think this situation or issue through when I know that my mind will work much better. For example, after I've eaten something or in the morning after I have gotten my hours of sleep. It took a bit of practice to get this to work but I've gotten pretty good at postponing thinking in this way. And I know from experience that when I r...

How to keep relationship and move on

We know relationship is the important one in our life. But just make relationship is not a matter. Because we will be keeping and maintaing harmonysly in to life long.  We like to believe we are completely independent from our environment, but the simple truth is that our environment always influences us in one way or another. This is just as true for our physical environment our home, workplace, neighborhood, where we spend our time, and the people we surround ourselves with on a daily basis as it is true for our digital environment which means the websites we go to, the information we consume, and the people we interact with online. Today we are spending more and more time in our “digital environment.” And in many ways, our “digital environment” can be even more consuming and engaging than the “real world,” because it’s filled with over-stimulation that keeps our interest and attention.  Social media accounts, sensationalist news, celebrity gossip, politicals, ch...

Why we feel fear and how to overcome the fear.

Fear..............!!! I have found in recent years that pushing the fear away can certainly work and help you to not be paralyzed from taking action. But I have also discovered that it can sometimes be more helpful to accept the fear. To accept that it is there instead of for example trying to tell yourself to focus on the positive life That may sound a bit value so here's how I do it. Breathe.  Take a few breaths and focus only on the air going in and out to calm and center yourself a bit. Tell yourself something like:  “Yes, the fear is here. It simply is at this point in time.” Take that feeling of fear in  and just let it be there in your body and mind. It will be uncomfortable. But just for short while. Because if you do let it in then after a while – often just after a few minutes of discomfort in my experience – the fear starts to lose steam. It becomes a lot smaller or just seems to float away. And it becomes a lot easier to think clear and constructiv...

The Ways How To Control Our Angree

Angree it is worst feelings in our life. We know it's a part of our sense but unfortunately it's came suddenly out and break the relationship. Being angry is seen as a negative thing. That’s because it is. It’s a horrible emotion and that can ruin things not just for yourself but for others.  I’ve always been told to look on the bright side. To be positive and optimistic – which is easier said than done. But sometimes we all just need to have our moment and be angry. Heck anger is probably one of the best emotions as it can help you see things clearer. Over the past few months I’ve felt guilty about being angry. I’ve felt guilty about feeling upset and showing it rather than bottling it up inside. We’re taught to forgive and forget and that ‘life’s too short’.  I even felt a bit guilty at the thought of writing this blog post. Then I asked myself why? Anger isn’t a pleasant emotion but if we’re upset then surely there has to be a good reason. Sometimes it’s because...

Why meditation is important in our life

            MEDITATION Meditation has helped me to form all my other habits, it’s helped me to become more peaceful, more focused, less worried about discomfort, more appreciative and attentive to everything in my life. I’m far from perfect, but it has helped me come a long way.  it has helped me understand my own mind. Before I started meditating, I never thought about what was going on inside my head — it would just happen, and I would follow its commands like an automaton. These days, all of that still happens, but more and more, I am aware of what’s going on. I can make a choice about whether to follow the commands. I understand myself better (not completely, but better), and that has given me increased flexibility and freedom. So … I highly recommend this habit. And while I’m not saying it’s easy, you can start small and get better and better as you practice. Don’t expect to be good at first — that’s why it’s called “practice”! These tips aren’t a...


                    KARMA KARMA = ACTION One can think of karma as the spiritual equivalent of Newton’s Law of Motion. “For every action there is an equal but opposite reaction.” When we exhibit a negative force in thought, word, or action, that negative energy will come back to us. Karma is a lifestyle that promotes positive thinking and actions. Karma is not meant to be a punishment. It is present for the sake of education. How else is someone to learn how to be a good person if they are never taught that harmful action is wrong. A person only suffers if they have created the conditions for suffering. A good way to begin to understand karma is by observing our habit patterns. When we look at habit and conditioning, we can sense how our brain and consciousness create repeated patterns. If we practice tennis enough, we will anticipate our next hit as soon as the ball leaves the other player’s racquet. If we practice being ang...

Find Others Mind Set

Hi to everyone one.  We already to know everyone in this world are dynamic people. So You and me are different perspective thinking and doing whatever it may be..  I hope to express through my article how to find others mindset.  We already know Identify our opposite one mind set is  very toughest part because they don't try to expose real version of their mind trough interaction.  For example Take a ice cube and put into the bucket of water. When we can see most of the portion of icecubes is inside the water and also balance little portions 20% of icecube is expose in outside.  What you gather from this example?  Simple... Every one are hiding their original version inside and exposed only their faked one.. Humans are very dangerous in this world because we couldn't predict what they think and doing. When we trust blindly them it will be reflected through their actions. So believe your self don't try to expose your feeling to toxic people....